Sunday, September 1, 2013

One year down, but a lifetime to go!

Our first year of being husband and wife has gone by so fast! We celebrated by having cupcakes (since the top of cake is no longer with us), going out to a very nice dinner at the Red Geranium, drinking a bottle of Dom, spending quality time together and talking about all of our blessings! We're so grateful to truly be soul mates!

We took our own photos when it was beginning to storm outside. We just propped a tripod up on Jeds truck! It looks like rain on our wedding day is a tradition so far! 

We even ended up using one of the same photos for our paper gifts! 

Dinner was amazing, but cell phone usage was highly  discouraged, but I promise our food was beautiful and yummy! This place is definitely on our list of places to go again!

One year later and we're still in love and looking forward to our many years together!

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