Friday, August 30, 2013


The picture collage I created for my paper 1st anniversary gift to Jed. I used 3 of our important events! When we met, got engaged and then married.

Time to get creative!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Our first visitor!

Amanda came to visit us! We started the night off with a Mexican dinner, a tradition from college. Eating endless amounts of chips, salsa and drinking margaritas! Then we headed to an otters baseball game.  It was so great
having her in town , plus I finally had someone to shop with! 

First post!

It's hard to believe that it has been 11 Months since we packed up and left the State we were both born and raised in and headed out to Evansville, IN! We have been extremely blessed throughout this journey of becoming a family and living on our own. We had a college graduation, job changes, our wedding and a move across the country in just a few short months. We miss all of our friends and family everyday! We have grown stronger as people and as husband and wife.

Buying our first new car!